Te Reo Maori

Each Wednesday we are fortunate to have Whaea Clare Butler teaching Te Reo Māori & Tikanga Māori to groups of 15 students, in 30 minute sessions, throughout the day as she did last year.  

This year we have made it possible for teachers to also attend her lessons.  Whaea Toni teaches Te Reo Māori in classes while their teacher and classmates are out with Whaea Clare.  Therefore the whole class is receiving Te Reo Māori at the same time during a fortnightly rotation.

Term One's lessons included...
Week 2/3: Tēnā koe, tēnā korua, tēnā koutou.
Week 4/5: Kei te pēhea koe? Kei te __ ahau.
Week 6/7: He aha tēnei? He ___ tēnā.
Week 8/9: Tēnei, tēnā, tērā. ‘Ko au, ko au, tēnei’.

Week 10/11: reflection/feedback from classes about this terms lessons in both te reo Māori and te ao Māori, and also discuss what students would like to learn in future.

He aha tēnei? He ___ tēnā.

Kei te pēhea koe? Kei te __ ahau.

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